Renouncing Libertarianism

My dad taught me a long time ago that blindly following any ideology to it’s final, inevitable, conclusion ends up in failure. He used the example of Communism, and the various forms of starvation that were caused by blind following of its tenets. I mean, Communism sounds really nice when you first hear about it, “From each according to ability, to each according to need.” Isn’t that nice? Of course it is! It just never works out that way.

I think I’m forced to say the same thing happens with my sorta-political-philosophy – Libertarianism. I think it has some nice things going for it too – an idea of minimal government, and the efficiencies of markets. Those are things not to be abandoned, for certain. But the failures of the banks and the fact that the government cannot allow them to fail makes me despair for true Laissez-faire capitalism.

I think the best system is probably a sorta Hagelian ‘Synthesis’ of the various opposing philosophies – Communism: FAIL. Pure Republican-style Laissez-faire capitalism:FAIL. Effective systems will be somewhere…in the middle.

I think the problem is this – true Libertarianism requires the government to play “chicken” with its people. Somebody says, “Hey! I’m going to do something stupid and awful! HAHAHAAH!” And the government has to say, “OK, do whatever you want, as long as you don’t screw with anyone else…” and in the end – somebody’s got to blink. And the government does, and I don’t blame it. Got no health insurance? Well, the hospitals will catch you. Forgot to save for retirement? Social security. Whoops! You invested all your money in stupid, stupid horrible things that are now worthless? OK, let’s see what we can do to shore up prices. Oh, you bought a house you cannot afford? We’ll fix the mortgage for you.

And actually typing these things makes me sad – but I think the government has to act in many, if not all, of these cases. It simply has no other alternative. If it let the banks fail, we could have a full on depression on our hands. Sure, then everyone who botched pays the price – good, fuck ’em – but too many innocents do too. I made sure not to buy a house, even as banks were screaming at me to take their money – why? Because it made no financial sense for me to do so. Good for me. But not good for me, because the government woulda bailed me out anyways.

Maybe you could blame everything on the Fed…I know, I place a lot of blame on them – my standard argument is that they react quickly to lower rates, but never to raise them. We could’ve avoided a lot of this (hindsight being 20/20 of course) by doing some serious bumping up of some rates when we started to see the real estate market go nuts. Only a few people would’ve gotten hurt, and much of this might have been prevented.

But I did some research – and even without Central Banks, various bank failures and credit crunches occurred in the past, just driven by private investors and such. So you can’t say “well, abolish central banking and then you have your libertarian paradise…” Still no. Though my argument, in the end, would be that if your central bank can’t prevent depressions, and neither can no central bank, then maybe you might as well have none.

My problem now is I would like to figure out some heuristic or algorithm or something for where the government should stop – once you have them crossing that line, when does it end? Guns? You can’t have ’em, you might hurt yourself. Alcohol (my precious BEER!) – no more for you. Etc. What’s the rule of thumb to say where government will ‘blink’ and step in, and where it won’t? What’s to keep us from just having it grow and grow and grow and never end? And I don’t know the answer. And that bugs me.

Maybe the model is “government’s job is regulation.” E.g., don’t have the government directly doing stuff, just have it regulating the doing of the stuff. What does that mean – private police forces? Private armies? I don’t like that. Ugh. It’s all muddled. Or perhaps, it’s not any more muddled than it was before, and I just see the muddledness more than I did? I don’t know.

I really don’t know!

disconnected notes

#1) Job is going great. I’m really digging working for myself, and I’m making a very comfortable living, and I’ve even been able to carve out time for my own projects. Things are busier than I expected – but I’m sure that it’s “feast or famine,” so I’m trying to stay disciplined and keep taking the work as it comes in. The work is almost all consulting, very little programming. Lucky I didn’t buy that 17 inch Macbook Pro, that would’ve been pretty stupid.

#2) Excercise is….not going so great. My weight sorta hovers around the exact same place, no matter what I do. I’m getting really discouraged. I can try to move from cardio to strength training, but it’s all guesswork, and I have no clue what I’m doing. I think I’m going to have to really try and dig deeper into this one. Do some research. Actually track what I eat. Cut out the beer. Oh, the beer….what will I do without you? Sigh. At least with the new gig I almost never drink beer at home now, which is good. I do know the last time I stopped drinking beer for a few months, I did end up dropping a few pounds.

#3) There’s a mac browser called ‘stainless‘ which uses the same multiprocess model that Google Chrome does. They say it’s a “technology demo only” but I’m actually using it as my day-to-day browser. I like it. We’ll see how much I like it once I’ve crashed it and lost some work.

#4) Veep debate. Palin didn’t do as bad as she could’ve. She said some ‘homey’ things which I thought was a good touch. I still feel like the Obama camp has this one in the bag, but you never know…

#5) Republicans vs. Democrats – or, more accurately, any partisanship – Democrats are fucking idiots for not properly looking at why they lost in ’04. They love to use the ‘go have a beer with’ theory – that polls say that people would rather have a beer with Bush than Kerry. That may be true, but that’s *not* why they lost. That’s just embedding liberal elite thinking in more palatable container – “The bulk of us in America are dumb, that’s why we lost.” No, that’s not why we lost. We lost because Kerry seemed not genuine, and Bush, though wrongheaded, seemed genuine. Genuine-ness is more important to people who aren’t jaded like us New Yorker Liberal Elites. Kerry seemed like he was the product of a focus group. Obama does not. McCain is starting to look that way. Too bad, the ‘maverick’ McCain (long dead, it seems) was interesting. I don’t think I would’ve voted for him, but definitely, more interesting.

#6) Words. With the mainstreaming of net-speak, some words that used to be no-no’s – that I was taught when I was, like, 10 years old not to use because they were derogatory – are coming back. Specifically ones referring to diminished mental facilities, and sexual orientation. And everyone I’ve met who uses them does so with a wink and a nudge, like they’re in on the ‘joke’, and they know what they’re doing, and don’t really believe the kinds of things that can be (simply) inferred from what they’re saying. But words have power. In your own brain, and other people’s. And if you keep allowing the association between <slang word> and <negative connotation>, you just may end up, subconsciously, reinforcing <slang word meaning> and <negative connotation>. And no matter how clever or smart or enlightened or…whatever you are, even if you can avoid that aforementioned trap, you could still inadvertently drop <slang word> in front of someone who is, or knows someone who is <slang meaning>. Is your vocabulary so limited that you must refer to things as ‘retarded’, or ‘gay’, or ‘fags’? You really can’t come up with anything else? I think you can. So stop it. It’s still offensive. Unless there was some memo passed around that I hadn’t read. And c’mon, there’s still cursing. There’s tons of milage left in that – fuck shit motherfucker. Cock. See?

Goddamned wireless crap

Okay. I’ve run wireless B, G. I’ve used the “official, recommended” US Channels, and ones that aren’t. I’ve used a great piece of software called Air Traffic Control to keep an eye out for less-used channels. I’ve bought cordless phones that are ‘wireless network friendly.’ I’ve even upgraded to 802.11n, using an Apple Airport. That seems to work…better, but it cuts down pretty heavily on range.

You name it, I’ve done it, and the network in my house is still flaky. Nothing comes close the cozy networking level where everything just works, like good ole Ethernet. So I’ve bought a NetGear powerline ethernet extender thingee. A hunnert bucks from Best Buy, could’ve gotten it cheaper from the internet but I was impatient.

I have one doodad in the living room, one in the far-away-from-living-room, and hook ethernet into either one. Then it Just Works. Literally, like, 5 minutes of work. So far it’s been pretty solid.

This may be the solution to the Urban Wifi Blues. I hope so.


Joining the new millenium, finally

I got a hi-def TV. Yay! And Rock Band. It’s pretty cool.

I was fiddling with how to hook up my 360 to the TV, and still have my optical digital output go through the AV system, and came across this useful piece of information.

However, in the end, GTA IV looked worse (at least on my TV), using the HDMI input rather than the component video. I finally switched it back, and I think it looks better. I believe it’s because the actual content is at 720p, and the Xbox or my TV is trying to do something clever to dither the output or something, and look like shit in the process. Oh well. So I’m not fully 100% digital. I guess I’m not completely in the new millenium, after all.

Mario Kart Wii

So I got it and I got lots to say.

It's pretty damned cool. I haven't used the plastic wheel very much
but I think it adds a nice touch. I thinks its still going to be
easier to play with a wiimote+nunchuk, but I enjoy the feel of the

There's not that much that's different from the previous versions,
just slightly better graphics. And of course the online multiplayer.
More about that in a moment.

Weirdly enough, even many of the maps are the same as from previous
versions of the game. I understand one or two like that, but half?!
That seems…lazy. But whatever.

The fact that it won't tie in to the friend codes you _already_
laboriously entered on your Wii is actually shocking. I imagine
Nintendo is erring on the side of caution against online predator
types or something, but…really!? I already entered a 10-digit code
to get my friend hooked up with me, THEN he did the same…now we have
to do that AGAIN?! C'mon! If I've been able to dupe my prey into
entering 10 digit codes and divulging his/her own, then it's over.
Making me re-re-enter them (or a completely different one?!) is NOT
protecting anyone, it's pissing people off. So I suppose instead that
all my foes shall be anonymous hordes from Teh Intarwebs. So be it.
Not such a terrible thing.

My only real complaint – and there's some bias to it – has to do with
the architecture of the multiplayer. I think the WFC connection is
just to some kind of queue. I think it's set up as some kind of
mid-1990's style client-server game. Efficient, sure – but it only
fucking works when the goddamned server is not-firewalled!! When the
hell does that happen?! Who the fuck has any kind of network with no
firewall?! Crazy people. Crazy people whose PC's are swimming in
viruses and porn dialers.

Now I, by history have been a network builder and troubleshooter for a good chunk of my career. So I’m biased when I say this, but that’s totally insane. The reason that I believe that it’s set up this way is that I can spend half an hour trying to play online and get either booted out in the first few seconds of a game, or sometimes I might even make it a minute or so into the game before I get kicked off. But when I disconnect my entire goddamned network, and plug my Wii _directly_ into my cablemodem connection, it works like a charm, and flawless.

Now at first, I figured maybe it’s my cranky Vonage box getting in the way, so I put my more modern Airport Extreme box in its place. Same results.

The only other, possible bizarre thing that Big N might be doing is that their servers act as ‘game servers’ (without players) and those slots exist in the queue as well as un-firewalled Wii’s, but are simply all used up due to demand. That’s serious levels of network architecture, but if I were building the system, I sure as hell would not build both a client and a server to run from the Wii, it just seems…excessive. But we’ll see how it really is set up as time goes by and perhaps as Nintendo builds more centralized capacity. It’s true that I haven’t heard of any Microsoft-style giant Failure of centralized systems yet on Nintendo’s side, and there are more Wii’s than 360’s, but time will tell.

Still, I thought that style of developing multiplayer games went out in the 1990’s. But I guess Nintendo is dealing with a larger scaling problem than anyone else (except maybe World of Warcraft) has.

And, with a nearly completely decentralized architecture, as you can imagine, multiplayer works great – once I fucking eviscerate my goddamned fucking network of course.

Edit – a tournament just popped up – that should be pretty exciting! Hopefully I can give it a whirl soon.



So this twitter thing is actually working for me, shockingly enough.
I'm starting to write little bits here and there and its making me
miss updating my blog.

So! Here's stuff I should've blogged about but didn't.

1) I have an xbox. Its pretty. Its noisy. I'm shocked at the shitty
games out for it, though there are some gems. Bioshock is awesome.

2) assassin's creed – very very cool bits in it, some repetitiveness
in some places. I'll make it to the end.

3) iPhone software announcement. Disappointing. Lame. Pay to play? Ug.
Only distributing through iTunes? Limiting. Not shocking, but oh well.
I thought apple would only sign apps that needed network access. That
would've made sense. I hope the iPhone hackers keep making progress to
keep apple honest.

4) I cannot imagine life without an iPhone. Was I really alive before I had one? No.

5) MacBook air – I have one for work. Tiny, light, gorgeous display.
Thermal issues though. I'll exchange it when I have time.



So, I'll only mention stuff you haven't heard.

It's fast.

It's tiny, but heavy. Perhaps it's the glass?

The UI and OS are awesome.

Best mobile web browser ever.

I think a couple of point releases and it'll be really great. It's
already pretty good, well, great.

Little tiny bugs pop up here and there, but no real dealbreakers.

I want GAMES, dammit! And I need a password wallet thingee.

Keyboard is not as fast as a blackberry (or treo) keyboard, but it's
ok. Only ok.

It's extremely pleasant to use. Little need for any manual.

Battery life's ok, managed to drain it during a day of very heavy usage.

I think it's important to differentiate between the hardware and the
OS. The hardware is really cool. The OS is insane.

The only real step backwards for me is the keyboard. I'm just not as
fast with it as I am on a treo or blackberry keyboard. And I expect to
get faster, but still…

Sent from my iPhone


So I had just flown back from one of my first business meetings with my new comnpany. It was very exciting, but very…angst-inspiring? Nervousy? Whatever. So I was going to get back around 5:30pm, and I knew the iphone was being released at 6:00pm. So I figured I would just get one online, or saturday, or something. I dunno. But I got home pretty quick, and the launch was just then happening, and I was reading good ole' Engadget. And the editor there was #115ish or something in line, and got his within 20 minutes or so. I did some math in my head and figured, hey, why not!? And I went.

I got into the portable barrier arrangement, and worked my way towards the front of the store. Store employees were waiting out front applauding those who snagged them. I longed to be one of those people.

No more than 15 or maybe even 10 minutes later, I was in! More store employees pointed me to the register if you were "ready to buy." Of course I was. I've been ready to buy for a few months now. I got in, and went straight to a register(?!) I got out, iPhone in hand.

Now I had promised a relative staying at my father's house I woulkd visit, so that would be my next destination. Waiting a few hours to play with my new toy? Not a probllem, I'd been waiting months already and torturing those around me by telling them about it. But I realezed, as I was walking down 59th st., that I was going to look rather…conspicuous. You see, my father's house isn't in a really good neighborhood, and the iphone "bag" (a box with strings really) kinda…sticks out. I was in a panic. Someone will steal my iphone!!

Luckily, I spot a Duane Reade bag. I threw the bag in the DR bag – now it looks like I'm carrying a box of videotapes. The bag is unclean and worn, and I spotted it only 10 or 20 feet from a homeless guy but…my investment must be protected.

Now I'm on my way back home. I can't wait. I will return with more details. Hopefully, this will be my last post from my Blackberry.

Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile