So why write the stupid thing again? I’ve written it already – in writing it again, I’m solving problems that potential non-users already didn’t have for something that didn’t exist yet (not). Why not fix what was actually, in practice broken – the marketing – and definitely do something about the god-awful UI, and see if I can’t get some application developers to point their users towards it?
And then, maybe, I can try and develop a 2.0 UI with more of a Federated and less of a Centralized model for data (applications list, user list, etc)?
So I have to think like a businessman, not a programmer. The programmer says:
- Get DB up
- Get appserver up
- Get applications up
- update developer documentation
- update website
- get developers on-board
But that’s the completely backwards way to do it. The real way is:
- Get developers on-board
- update website
- update dev. documentation
- Do ‘boring’ technical stuff
Now that I’ve finished the laundry – I will ponder these things and consider if it’s really something I want to try to do again. Ugh.