You are the CTO of a small tech company
- Try to yank the key out using the keychain as leverage. Go to page 22.
- Take the key off of your keychain, leave it in the lock. Go to page 46.
Page 22
It won’t come out! Now what?!
- Yank out the keys with pliers. Go to page 34.
- Take the key off your keychain, leave it in the lock. Go to page 46.
Page 34
Are you sure? Absolutely sure? You could snap your keys! Don’t do that!
- I don’t care. Snap my keys! I want my keys out. Yank ’em out anyways! Go to page 42.
- Simply remove the key from the keychain – takes 20 seconds! Go to page 46.
Page 42
You pull your keys out, and live happily ever after. You win! Congratulations.
Page 46
You get your keys back, but the next day your key is no longer in the lock. Now every single time you go the bathroom, you keep thinking you have keys, but you don’t. So you have to go back to the office and get the office bathroom key. You’re a loser. You lose. Lose lose lose. Why don’t you just pee your pants, loser. You suck.